2023 UMSRS Technical Program

The following is 2023 UMSRS Technical Program - Draft agenda subject to change. 

Sunday, February 26th

Time StartTime EndEvent/Title
1:00 pm5:00 pmUMSRS Short Course - Using laser scanning and Structure from Motion Photogrammetry to create 3D models in natural environments 
6:00 pm7:00 pmKickoff Dinner (Radisson Hotel la Crosse)
7:00 pm8:00 pm

Invited Talk - Timothy Hoellein Associate Professor, Loyola

Trash in Streams: Driving factors for composition, distribution, and transport


Monday, February 27th

Time StartTime EndEvent/Title

7:00 am


8:30 am



Welcome by John Chapman

8:45 am9:45 am

Invited Talk:  Şevin Yıldız, Assistant Professor, University of Illinois 

Unboxed and Daylighted: Global Changes in Urban River Systems Planning

9:45 am10:15 amBreak
Technical Session 1: Large Woody Debris – More Than a Carbon Source
10:15 am10:45 amPredicting Effects of Beaver Dams Using 1-D and 2-D HEC-RAS Modeling - Reid StamerStream Restoration Ecologist, Impact7G
10:45 am11:15 amImpacts of Vegetation and Large Wood on Hyporheic Exchange in River Corridors - Yudy Q.Yang, Assistant Professor, University of Minnesota
11:15 am11:45 amReducing Sediment Loading and Creating Habitat Using Large Wood in Sand Creek, MN: A Case Study in Design Evolution Based on Project Performance - Nick Jordan, Engineer, Inter-Fluve
11:45 am12:15 noonRivers of Poland - Ania Sundgaard
12:15 noon1:30 pmLunch

Technical Session 2: 

Aquatic Health – Assessing and Monitoring Impacts of Restoration

1:30 pm2:00 pmBank Stabilization: A Tool for Sediment and Phosphorus Control? - Pete MooreAdjunct Assistant Professor, Iowa State University 
2:00 pm2:30 pmPhosphorus Load Reduction Using Streambank Stabilization – A Ten Year Follow Up - Amy Anderson, Project Engineer, WSB
2:30 pm3:00 pmAn Assessment of Water Quality Indicators to Inform Stream Channel Rehabilitation Efforts in the Big Creek Watershed, Posey County, Indiana - John StoflethSenior Engineer / Geomorphologist, cbec inc. eco engineering
3:00 pm3:30 pmTrout Stream Monitoring in the Midwest - Sara Strassman, Driftless Area Program Manager, Trout Unlimited

3:30 pm




PRRSUM Planning meeting

Dinner at Freight House


Tuesday, February 28th

Time StartTime EndEvent/Title
7:30 am8:30 amBreakfast
8:30 am9:30 am

Invited Talk: - Thomas R. Biebighauser, Wildlife Biologist and Wetland Ecologist, Wetland Restoration and Training LLC

Restoration of Wetlands and Streams from Constructed Impoundments

9:30 am10:00 amBreak
Technical Session 3: Shifting Perspectives – Design Growth and Communication of Expectations
10:00 am10:30 amObservations on Natural Channel Design Approaches: Where Can we Improve? - Karl KollerClean Water Legacy Specialist, MN Dept. of Natural Resources
10:30 am11:00 amEcoFIP: A Framework for Identifying and Assessing Multi-objective Floodplain Rehabilitation Opportunities - LukeTillman, Matt Weber, Michael Founds, and Chris
BowlesEcohydrologist, cbec inc. eco engineering
11:00 am11:30 amUndoing the “Drainage Dream”: Restoring a River in the Heart of Sand County - Brad StrobelWildlife Biologist, Necedah National Wildlife Refuge
11:30 am12:00 amYou want me to do what? Working With Engineers, Resource Managers, and Contractors to Replicate Natural Stream Channel Conditions During Culvert Construction  Crystal Payment, Graduate Engineer 2, MN Dept. of Natural Resources
12:00 am1 pmLunch (with student mentoring)
1:00 pm 1:45 pmPoster Session Review with dessert
Technical Session 4: Out of the Woods – Considerations for Urban Stream Projects
1:45 pm2:15 pmDesign and Community Engagement Considerations for Stream Restoration in an Urban Setting - Melissa CampbellSenior Project Manager, Impact7G, and Judith E. Joyce Principal,  Director of Community Development, Impact7G
2:15 pm2:45 pmCompare and Contrast Stream Stabilization Methods in a Small Suburban Stream  - Nick Proulx, Clean Water Specialist, MN Dept. of Natural Resources
2:45 pm3:15 pmCordova Creek Naturalization Project - Phases 1 and 2  -Matthew WeberEcohydrologist, cbec inc. eco engineering
3:15 pm3:45 pmThe Evolution, Optimization, and Implementation of a Stormwater Management Program to Facilitate Urban Stream Restoration: A Science-Based Approach - Matthew WootenEnvironmental Program Manager, Northern KY Sanitation District No. 1


6:00 pm



Poster Awards

Dinner at Piggies


Wednesday, March 1st

Time StartTime EndEvent/Title
7:30 am8:20 amBreakfast
8:30 am Advancing the Field of River Restoration: What’s it all worth anyways? How do we compare values of work projects  
  Priceless.  How do you put a value on stream restoration?  If you have limited resources, how do you compare two projects to decide which one might have the best restoration potential?  Some tools and software, such as Stream Qualification Tools (SQT) are available and being used by some states to compare projects.  This session will have speakers and panelists presenting and discussing methods and software to place a value on restoration projects.
  An initial presentation on the SQT tools will be followed by a panel with representatives from federal and state agencies.
11:45 pm Adjourn