The following posters were presented at the 2012 UMSRS. PDF versions are available for hyperlinked titles below. If you are interested in poster abstracts, access the 2012 UMSRS Poster Abstract Guide.
P-01: Monitoring the effectiveness of large wood for creating and maintaining deep pool habitat in the Sucker River, NE Minnesota
Karen Gran University of Minnesota Duluth, Carl Haensel Minnesota Trout Unlimited
P-02: Geomorphic Processes Following Dam Removal in Centerville Creek, Wisconsin
Benjamin Lee Inter-Fluve, John Hoopes University of Wisconsin-Madison
P-03: Applying Dendrogeomorphic Methods to Determine Site Specific Annual Erosion Rates – A Quick and Cost Effective Alternative to Using Erosion Pins
Bryan M. Dick, Ian Jewell, Steven Pires, Andrew Wilson, Ron Johnson, Sean Collins (presenter) AECOM; Ilona Peszlen North Carolina State University; Peter Simon Ann Arbor Technical Services
P-04: Lateral erosion in an experimental channel: the influence of bed roughness on wear by bedload impacts
Theodore Fuller Saint Anthony Falls Laboratory, University of Minnesota Leonard S. Sklar San Francisco State University, Karen B. Gran University of Minnesota, Duluth
P-05: Measurement and modeling of NO3 uptake in low-order streams: effects of various in-stream hydraulic structures
Kristopher Guentzel, Miki Hondzo, Fotis Sotiropoulos, Jessica Kozarek, Ali Khosronejad, St. Anthony Falls Laboratory, University of Minnesota
P-06: Gravel sediment sources and bar distribution within the main stem of upper Bull Creek, southwest Missouri
Kyle Kosovich Missouri State University Dr. Robert Pavlowsky
P-07: Urban Flood Damage: Gully Repair at the Stream’s Edge
Shengyi Yue Iowa State University, Mimi Wagner Iowa State University
P-08: Stream Bank Stability Assessment for the City of Cavalier, North Dakota
Alexa Skjold University of North Dakota
P-09: Assessing the need for stream restoration efforts in Bassett Creek
Jon Schwenk University of Minnesota, Antoinette Abeyta University of Minnesota, Sarah Baumgardner University of Minnesota, Stephanie S. Day University of Minnesota
P-10: Effects of Historical Mine Tailings Inputs on Channel Morphology and Substrate, Big River, southeast Missouri
Lindsay Olson Missouri State University Dr. Robert T. Pavlowsky, Missouri State University
P-11: St. Louis River Interlake/Duluth Tar and Tallas Island Habitat Restorations – How to Restore Two Areas with One Dredge
Guy Partch Barr Engineering, Eric Hedblom, Jeff Lee, Barr Engineering; Timothy Rogers Xcel Energy, Inc; Tom Johnson, Marine Tech, LLC
P-12: Quantifying the local hydraulic environment associated with high Glossosoma (Trichoptera) larval spatial density
Mark Morris St. Anthony Falls Laboratory (SAFL), University of Minnesota; Mohammad Hajit SAFL, University of Minnesota; Stephanie Day SAFL, University of Minnesota; Miki Hondzo SAFL, University of Minnesota; Mary Power University of California, Berkeley; Fotis Sotiropoulos, SAFL, University of Minnesota
P-13: The Role of Epiphytes in Stream Nutrient and Contaminant Cycling
Amy Hansen, Miki Hondzo Department of Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota, Jacques Finlay Department of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior, University of Minnesota
P-14: A Field Assessment of Soil Nitrogen and Reed Canary Grass
William Bartodziej Ramsey-Washington Metro Watershed District, Simba Blood Ramsey-Washington Metro Watershed District
P-15: Climate Change Impact on Shoreline Plants, Bio-engineering, and Water Quality
Shahram Missaghi St. Anthony Falls Laboratory, University of Minnesota; Mary L Presnail University of Minnesota
P-16: Fishers & Farmers Partnership: Landowners in the Lead
Heidi Keuler Fishers & Farmers Partnership for the Upper Mississippi River Basin
P-17: Stream Health and Restoration Workshops and Other Resources - Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
Amy Childers Minnesota Department of Natural Resources