Below find the posters presented at the 2017 Upper Midwest Stream Restoration Symposium. Available PDFs of the posters are linked to the titles.
Read the full 2017 USMRS Poster Abstract Guide.
P-01 (student): Geomorphic effects of human modification of Big Barren Creek, Mark Twain National Forest, Southeast Missouri
Matthew Thies, Dr. Robert Pavlowsky, Missouri State University
P-02: Applying multiple assessment techniques to minimize disturbance and select suitable natural stream stabilization practices
Lisa Odens, Greg Bowles, Houston Engineering; Matt Moore, South Washington Watershed District (SWWD)
P-03: East Indian Creek stream habitat project takes shape after collecting pre-construction habitat, geomorphology, and fish population data
Melissa Konsti, Douglas Dieterman, & Daniel Spence, MN DNR Fisheries
P-04 (student): Modeling of sediment erosion and deposition trends associated with post-dam removal stream restoration methods
Zachary Phillips, North Dakota State University
P-05 (student): Is your meandering river stable? Methods for determining controls of historic river meandering
Zachary Phillips, Dr. Stephanie Day, North Dakota State University
P-06 (student): Monitoring Bluff Erosion Rates Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry on Minnesota’s North Shore Streams
Elizabeth "Ellie" Brown, University of Minnesota Duluth
P-07 (student): Monitoring engineered log structure implementation in the North Fork of the White River, Missouri Ozarks
Joseph Nash, Missouri State University; Robert T. Pavlowsky, Ozarks Environmental and Water Resources Institute
P-08 (student): Controls on thermal habitat dynamics of pools in a temperate headwater stream
Emma Gibson, Missouri State University; Valerie Ouellet, Melinda Daniels, Stroud Water Research Center; Nathan Watson, Cornell University
P-09 (student): Effect of freshwater mussels on stream bed morphology
Tahni Jungst, Jessica Kozarek, St. Anthony Falls Laboratory, University of Minnesota; Daniel Hornbach, Kelly MacGregor, Macalester College; Mark Hove, University of Minnesota and Macalester College
P-10 (student): Assessing Grassed Waterway Implementation Using ACPF and SWAT Models
Kirsten Schaefer, Missouri State University
P-11 (student): Sediment-Phosphorus interactions and their implications for watershed management in agricultural landscapes
Anna Baker, Tessa Belo, Kara Yetter, Walter Atkins, Karen Gran, Jacques Finlay, University of Minnesota
P-12 (student): Remediation of mining-contaminated sediment using a constructed floodplain basin system, Big River, southeast Missouri
Josh Voss, Robert Pavlowsky, Matt Pierson, Marc Owen, Missouri State University
P-13 (student): The Effect of Intermittent Flood Events on Denitrification
Abigail Tomasek, Jessica Kozarek, Miki Hondzo, Michael Sadowsky, University of Minnesota
P-14 (student): Experimental 3D modeling of stream channel evolution using digital photogrammetry: Applications to stream restoration
Max O'Brien, Dylan Blumentritt, Winona State University
P-15: Stream Restoration Toolbox: Current and Future Tools
Colin Phillips, Northwestern University
P-16: The Sacramento River Levee Setback Design: Using 2-Dimensional Modeling to Assess Ecological Function and Geomorphic Process
John Stofleth, Chris Bowles, Doug Shields, Sam Diaz, cbec; Sergio Jimeniz, HDR; Kenric Jameson WSAFCA
P-17: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers District implementation of stream mitigation under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act: A sociology of translation
Alex Peimer, Northeastern Illinois University; Bruce Rhoads,Thomas Bassett, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
P-18 (student): Groundwater-surface water exchange dynamics following a channel reconfiguration project: Stewart River, MN
Larissa Scott, Karen Gran, Lucinda Johnson, University of Minnesota Duluth
P-19 (student): Can land conservation improve the ecosystem function of streams in Central Iowa?
Thomas Ehlinger, Katie VanDooren, Peter S. Levi, Drake University