2010 Upper Midwest Stream Restoration Symposium: Poster List
Keith Anderson, Northeast MN SWCD Technical Services
Amity Creek bank and habitat restoration
Brad Hansen, University of Minnesota
Cost analysis of alternative culvert installation practices in Minnesota
Mike Harvey, TetraTech, Inc.
Insensitivity of North Branch Root River, WI: Implications for restoration
Craig Hill, St. Anthony Falls Lab
Using field measurements and indoor flume tests to improve quantitative design guidelines for instream flow control structures
Geoffrie Kramer, University of Minnesota - Department of Bioproducts & Biosystems Engineering
Self-sustaining design for agricultural drainage ditches
Kristan Maccaroni, University of Minnesota - St. Anthony Falls Lab
Hydrodyamics and habitat selection in hornyhead chub (Nocomis biguttatus)
Daniel Mielke, University of Minnesota - St. Anthony Falls Lab
A pilot project for designing a novel fish barrier to deter movement of carp between lakes
Pramenath Narinesingh, University of Delaware
Predicting bank erosion of the gravel-bedded South River, Virginia, with intermittent bedrock and alluvial reaches
Marie Peppler, USGS Wisconsin Water Science Center
Evaluating the effectiveness of fallowing on bank erosion in a grazed riparian paddock
Cynthia Rachol, US Geological Survey Michigan Water Science Center
Regional hydraulic geometry curves for estimating bankfull characteristics in Southern Michigan Rivers
Eric Schmechel, Dubuque SWCD
Monitoring thermal pollution & water quality in a coldwater stream: Paved vs. pervious surfaces
Michelle Schneider, Short Elliott Hendrickson, Inc. (SEH)
Urban stream naturalization, Reedsville, WI
Arvind Singh, University of Minnesota - St. Anthony Falls Lab
Channel morphodynamics and water ecosystems: Understanding feedbacks for enhanced river restoration
Aaron Steber, JFNew
Urban stream restoration - Pheasant Branch Creek: Incorporating large woody debris into restoration projects
Tommy Sutarto, University of Iowa, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
A physically based approach to simulate stream bank erosion in the Clear Creek Watershed
Craig Taylor, University of Minnesota - St. Anthony Falls Lab
Heating of shallow groundwater from a paved surface: a coldwater stream protection problem
Joshua White, Michael Baker Engineering, Inc.
The Ararat River Project – Restoring a large river for a small community
Stream Restoration Certificate Program, University of Minnesota
Stream Restoration Science & Engineering Certificate Program