PRRSUM is now accepting abstracts for sessions, oral presentations, and posters for the upcoming
13th Annual Upper Midwest Stream Restoration Symposium (UMSRS)
February 28 - March 2nd, 2022
The Upper Midwest Stream Restoration Symposium (UMSRS) presents a unique opportunity to bring together regional stream restoration practitioners so they may share experiences and expertise with colleagues working within similar environmental and land-use conditions. Attendees from multi-disciplinary backgrounds will hear about innovative restoration designs and approaches as well as have the opportunity to network with the region’s leading stream restoration practitioners.
UMSRS looks to provide a collaborative environment which will allow an interdisciplinary approach to stream restoration and other related watershed sciences, hence a broad range of speakers and topics are actively encouraged. We seek session proposals and abstracts for both oral and poster presentations that address topic areas related to stream restoration, including:
- Stream restoration design and alternative analyses
- Restoration design implementation and response
- Restoration project and design monitoring
- Presentations geared toward the planning, regulatory, and funding context under which stream restoration occurs
We are still exploring how to format our first virtual conference! We will still open with a keynote speaker on Sunday and following with additional invited speakers, panel discussions, and practitioner-submitted presentations in the following days. UMSRS is single-track (no concurrent sessions) so that all attendees hear all presentation and discussions.
UMSRS will have invited speakers and oral presentations delivered in topical sessions.& Oral presentations are 20 minutes in length and are given in a plenary format to an interdisciplinary audience of approximately 130 attendees (when in person). Hence, the content should be interesting to a diverse audience and clearly focused to deliver two or three key points. The deadline for oral presentation proposals is October 29th, 2021.
We will host virtual poster sessions in 2022, so we still need poster abstract submissions! Only posters that are reviewed through the abstract review process will be displayed at the conference, although some session conveners may request that an oral presentation abstract be made a poster if their oral session is full. Posters will continue to be accepted until registration closes on February 4th, 2022. We will be sponsoring a STUDENT poster competition, where students can win $100 for the best poster!