The following is the oral technical program for the 2014 UMSRS. Our oral abstract guide can be accessed HERE. Several presentations are also available for viewing below.
To access the 2014 UMSRS posters, please click HERE.
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Time Start: | Time End: | Event/Talk Title: |
1:00 | 5:00 | SHORT COURSE: Sediment Transport in Stream Channel Assessment and Design |
6:00 | 7:00 | Kickoff Dinner |
7:00 | 8:00 | Invited Talk: Midwest Critical Zone Observatory (CZO) - Taking a Closer Look at Intensively Managed Landscapes – Bruce Rhoads, University of Illinois and Doug Schnoebelen, University of Iowa |
Monday, February 24, 2014
Time Start: | Time End: | Event/Talk Title: |
7:30 | 8:30 | Breakfast |
8:30 | 9:30 | Invited Talk: Restoring Riparian Vegetation – Susan Galatowitsch, University of Minnesota |
9:30 | 9:45 | Break |
Session 1: Biology of Stream Restoration: Bugs, Plants, and Fish
Moderator: Jeff Weiss, Barr Engineering
9:45 | 10:10 | Shoreline and Stream Bank Restoration – A Growing Trend: Managing for invasive plant species on public and private land with an integrated approach. – Patrick Kelly, Prairie Restorations, Inc. |
10:10 | 10:35 | Reach-scale stream restoration in agricultural streams of southern Minnesota alters functional responses of macroinvertebrates – Christy Dolph, University of Minnesota |
10:35 | 11:00 | Restoration of Degraded Fish and Wildlife Habitat and Populations in the Milwaukee Estuary AOC– Andrew Struck, Ozaukee County Planning and Parks Department |
11:00 | 11:25 | Capturing Geomorphic and Ecological Diversity of Lowland Spring-Fed Creeks for Trout Habitat Restoration and Protection – Faith Fitzpatrick, USGS - Wisconsin Water Science Center |
11:25 | 11:45 | Break |
11:45 | 1:00 | Lunch |
1:00 | 2:00 | Poster Session 1 |
Session 2: Models and GIS Applications in Stream Restoration
Moderator: John Thomas, Hungry Canyons Alliance
2:00 | 2:25 | Basin-scale geomorphology using GIS for preliminary stream classification and impact analysis – Amy Mikus, Barr Engineering |
2:25 | 2:50 | Understanding Stream Channel Conditions Throughout Minnesota - Benjamin Lundeen, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency |
2:50 |
3:15 |
Modeling to Estimate the Migration Potential of a Constructed, Meandering Low-Flow Channel - Cory Anderson, Barr Engineering |
3:15 | 3:30 | Break |
Session 3: Lessons Learned in Stream Restoration Projects
Moderator: Ed Matthiesen, Wenck Associates
3:30 | 3:55 | Duck Creek Engineered Rock Riffle: Success, Failure, Success – Brian Stineman, City of Davenport, Iowa |
3:55 | 4:20 |
The Social Function and Lessons Learned from Urban Stream Restoration in Ankeny and Norwalk – Ivo Lopez, Snyder & Associates |
4:20 | 4:45 | Busy as a stream ecologist: Can restoration do a beaver's job? – Suzanne Hoehne, Biohabitats, Inc. |
6:00 | 8:00 | Dinner and Drinks at Piggy's Restaurant |
9:00 | ???? |
Drinks at Earl's Grocery and Saloon (private PRRSUM party!) |
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Time Start: | Time End: | Event/Talk Title: |
7:30 | 8:30 | Breakfast |
8:30 | 9:30 | Invited Talk: Now that’s a beautiful stream!… are there any fish? Habitat Restoration and the Role of Perception – Hans Tritico, University of Mount Union |
9:30 | 9:45 | Break |
Session 4: Considerations in Stream Restoration Design
Moderator: Suzanne Hoehne, Biohabitats, Inc.
9:45 | 10:10 | Tough Invasives-Tough Questions From Design to Installation – Tory Christensen, Wetland Habitat Restorations, LLC |
10:10 | 10:35 | Stream Restoration at Road Crossings in Northern Wisconsin – Dale Higgins, USDA Forest Service |
10:35 | 11:00 | Stream and floodplain restoration design using hydrologic and sediment transport monitoring and modeling in Lower Michigan– Scott Dierks, CardnoJF New |
11:00 | 11:25 | Swift Slough Restoration Feasibility and Design Alternative Analysis – John Stofleth, cbec, Inc. |
11:25 | 11:45 | Break |
11:45 | 1:00 | Lunch |
1:00 | 2:00 | Poster Session 2 |
Session 5: Planning Frameworks for Stream Restoration Projects
Moderator: Marty Melchior (Inter-Fluve, Inc)
2:00 | 2:25 | Making Stream Restoration Decisions – Peter Wilcock, Johns Hopkins University |
2:25 | 2:50 | Stream Restoration as a Cost Effective Technique to Meet TMDL Water Quality Goals– Vince Sortman, Biohabitats, Inc. |
2:50 | 3:15 | In-Lieu Fees – Perspectives from the Southeast – George Athanasakes, Stantec Consulting Services |
3:15 | 3:30 | Break |
Session 6: Know Your Landscape: Assessments and Tools for Understanding Midwest Rivers
Moderator: Jessica Kozarek, St. Anthony Falls Lab, University of Minnesota
3:30 | 3:55 | Habitat Improvement in a Degraded Driftless Area Stream – Ben Lee, Inter-Fluve |
3:55 | 4:20 | Knickpoint Migration in Western Iowa Streams – John Thomas, Hungry Canyons Alliance |
4:20 | 4:45 | Investigating Rivers Conditions in Minnesota– April Lueck, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency |
6:00 | Dinner and Drinks at a local restaurant |
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Time Start: | Time End: | Event/Talk Title: |
7:30 | 8:30 | Breakfast |
8:30 | 12:00 | Panel Discussion: What Makes Midwest Stream Restoration Unique? |
12:00 | Lunch on your own! |