2021 UMSRS Technical Program

Following is the 2021 Technical Program for the virtual Upper Midwest Stream Restoration Symposium. 

Sunday, February 21st

Start Time

End Time


7:00 pm

8:00 pm

Invited Speaker: State of the Practice: Restoring Rivers for the Future, Rivers for Everyone - Colin Thorne, University of Nottingham

8:00 pm

9:00 pm

PRRSUM Networking Event

Monday, February 22nd

Start Time

End Time


8:30 am

9:30 am

Invited Speaker: Overcoming Barriers: Lessons Learned from Removing Dams for 25 Years - Laura Wildman, Biohabitats
Technical Session 1 -Restoration Motivation, Approach, and Design

10:00 am

10:25 am

Willow River Dam Rock Arch Rapids - Unique Design Challenges and Solutions Jessica Olson, Barr Engineering, Crystal Payment, Minnesota DNR

10:25 am

10:50 am

Driftless Stream Restoration: using “Q methodology” to understand divergent perspectives among restoration managers in southwestern Wisconsin – Emma Lundberg, University of Wisconsin, Madison

10:50 am

11:15 am

Field of Dreams Watershed & Water Trail  – If you build it, they will come!  - Judith Joyce, Reid StamerImpact7G

11:15 am

11:40 am

Aquatic organism passage through culvert modifications – South Branch River, MichiganPeter Hinck, Barr Engineering, Josh Leisen, Huron Pines

12:00 pm

1:00 pm

Invited Speaker: The Upper Mississippi River Restoration Program – Integrating Science, Restoration and Management Marshall Plumley, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Rock Island District)

4:00 pm

5:00 pm

Optional Networking Session

Tuesday, February 23rd

Start Time

End Time


8:30 am

9:30 am

Invited Speaker: Indiana Watershed Initiative: The influence of floodplain restoration on water quality in agricultural streamsJennifer Tank, University of Notre Dame
Technical Session 2: Restoring Water Quality

10:00 am

10:25 am

The Science of Nutrient Reduction with Stream Restoration – Suzanne Hoehne, Biohabitats

10:25 am

10:50 am

Freshwater mussels and clean water regulation in Minnesota: The importance of water quality standards in sustaining ecosystem services by protecting freshwater mussels – Baishali Bakshi, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency

10:50 am

11:15 am

North Browns Lake Tributary Stability and Restoration Potential Analysis, Shawn Tracy, HR Green, Greg Berg, Stearns SWCD

11:15 am

11:40 am

Restoration Rewind: South Branch Cascade Creek stream restoration, are we there yet? - Nick Proulx, Minnesota DNR
Technical Session 3 – Beyond the Channel: Riparian and Vegetation Considerations in Stream Restoration

1:00 pm

1:25 pm

A novel approach to assess water quality and restoration efficacy by the meter and minute using an aquatic drone – Peter Levi, Drake University

1:25 pm

1:50 pm

Grass vs. Trees: Competing Perspectives about Restoring Riparian Areas in the Kickapoo Watershed - Eric Booth, University of Wisconsin, Madison

1:50 pm

2:15 pm

Restoration of a fen/terrace system along the Sauk River, Minnesota - Chris Lenhart, University of Minnesota and the Nature Conservancy

2:15 pm

2:40 pm

Restoration Rewind: The Hatchery Creek Stream Restoration Project Revisited, George Athanasakes, Stantec

4:00 pm

5:00 pm

Optional Networking Session

Wednesday, February 24th

Start Time

End Time


8:30 am

9:30 am

Invited Speaker: A Community Based Approach to Stream Restoration in DCJosh Burch, Department of Energy and Environment

10:00 am

11:30 am

Panel Discussion: Urban Stream Restoration: Opportunities, Limitations, and the Drive for Environmental Justice


Josh Burch, Department of Energy and Environment
Paul Kovalcik, Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer DIstrict
Ed Matthiesen, Wenck Associates (now part of Stantec)
Patrick Elliot, Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District

11:30 am


Conference Adjournment