Help Support PRRSUM!

Sponsorship Levels


Mississippi River Sponsor - $3000
◦ Exhibitor Booth at symposium
◦ Three full registrations to the symposium
◦ Company logo displayed on banner at registration desk
◦ Full-page display of organization in symposium program under Mississippi River Level
◦ Listing on sponsorship page of UMSRS website including logo and link to your homepage

Missouri River Sponsor - $2000
◦ Exhibitor Booth at symposium
◦ Two full registrations to the symposium
◦ Company logo displayed on banner at registration desk
◦ Half-page display of organization in symposium program under Missouri Level
◦ Listing on sponsorship page of UMSRS website including logo and link to your homepage
◦ Inclusion of logo and link on all PRRSUM correspondence leading up to the UMSRS

Ohio River Sponsor - $1200
◦ Exhibitor Booth at symposium
◦ One full registration to the symposium
◦ Quarter-page display of organization in symposium program under Ohio River Level
◦ Listing on sponsorship page of UMSRS website including logo and link to your homepage
◦ Inclusion of logo and link on all PRRSUM correspondence leading up to the UMSRS

Illinois River Sponsor - $700
◦ One full registration to the symposium
◦ Quarter-page display of organization in symposium program under Illinois River Level
◦ Listing on sponsorship page of UMSRS website including logo and link to your homepage
◦ Inclusion of logo and link on all PRRSUM correspondence leading up to the UMSRS

Arkansas River Sponsor - $400
◦ Eighth-page display of organization in symposium program under Arkansas River Level
◦ Listing on sponsorship page of UMSRS website including logo and link to your homepage
◦ Inclusion of logo and link on all PRRSUM correspondence leading up to the UMSRS


Aside from our regular sponsorship levels, we also offer specific opportunities for
companies to showcase their brand by providing refreshments during the UMSRS.

Sponsor a Conference Break - $250
Sponsor a morning or afternoon break during the conference by providing coffee, drinks and snacks
◦ Easel with company logo display by snack table

Sponsor Beverage Tickets for Evening Meal -$300
Sponsor drink tickets for an evening dining event
◦ Company logo on individual drink tickets

Please contact directly Anna Sundgaard to purchase Sponsor Beverage Tickets for Evening Meal