2022 Upper Midwest Stream Restoration Symposium Technical Program

Following is the technical program for the 2022 Upper Midwest Stream Restoration Symposium.  (Updated 2/1/22)

**All listed times are CENTRAL Time Zone**

Monday, February 28th

Time Start Time End Event
8:30 am 9:45 am

Invited Speaker: Beth Styler Barry, The Nature Conservancy
Co-presented with Princeton Hydro

Using Drones to Monitor River Restoration

Columbia Lake Dam Removal; Using Drones For Quantitative Evaluation Of River Restoration

9:45 am 10:00 am



Technical Session 1:  Stream Restoration from Headwaters to Mouth

Time Start Time End Event
10:00 am 10:25 am Arden Park Restoration Project: A Story of Collaboration, Innovation, and Multi-Beneficial Design - Maren Hancock, Inter-Fluve, Inc
10:25 am 10:50 am Rain, snow, wind and heat- effects on estuarine restoration projects in the Great Lakes - Suzanne Hoehne, Biohabitats
10:50 am 11:15 am Determinants of crayfish community structure in agricultural headwater streams - Rocky Smiley, USDA Agricultural Research Service
11:15 am 11:40 am The race to protect and improve urban streams—Sugar Creek story from funding to building - Ivo Lopez, Snyder & Associates
11:40 am 12:00 pm Break
12:00 pm 1:00 pm

Invited Speaker: Ellen Wohl, Colorado State University

Messy Rivers are Healthy Rivers: The Role of Spatial Heterogeneity in Sustaining River Ecosystems

1:00 pm 2:00 pm Poster Session on Gather Town and Networking Opportunity

Tuesday, March 1st

Time Start Time End Event
8:30 am 9:45 am

Invited Speaker: Carrie Jennings, Freshwater

Groundwater Governance Across the Great Lakes Region: Results of Interviews with Tribes

Groundwater Governance Across the Great Lakes Region: A comparative Study with Tribal and State Engagement

9:45 am 10:00 am


Technical Session 2: Working with Dams in Stream Restoration Projects

Time Start Time End Event
10:00 am 10:25 am Dam removal using a pilot channel for sediment management - A case study in design, permitting, and construction - Sean Morrison, Inter-Fluve, Inc.
10:25 am 10:50 am Lake Carlos Dam Rock Arch Rapids: A Community Resource - Crystal Payment, Minnesota DNR
10:50 am 11:15 am Hydraulic Modeling of the North Fork Zumbro River Channel Restoration Project using HECRAS 2D - Amy Andersen, WSB Associates
11:15 am 11:40 am Restoring and Monitoring Natural Functions in Mound Creek, southwest Minnesota, Post-Dam Failure - Jon Lore, Minnesota DNR
11:40 am 12:00 pm Break
12:00 pm 1:00 pm

Invited Speakers: Lucy Andrews, UC-Berkeley; Jessica Balerna, University of South Florida; Jabari Jones, University of Minnesota

Environmental justice in stream restoration: Socioeconomic patterns in the siting of government-sponsored restoration projects

Environmental justice in stream restoration: Socioeconomic patterns in the siting of government-sponsored restoration projects

1:00 pm 2:00 pm Poster Session on Gather Town and Networking Opportunity

Technical Session 3: Modeling, Monitoring, and Mitigation

Time Start Time End Event
1:00 pm 1:25 pm River migration and sediment transport modeling for meandering channel design – Mustinka River, Minnesota - Peter Hinck, Barr Engineering
1:25 pm 1:50 pm Monitoring the response of stream temperature to restoration in a small Driftless Area stream with a drone, precision GPS, and temperature probes - Ben Sellers, University of Wisconsin, Madison
1:50 pm 2:15 pm Stream Mitigation in the St. Paul District - Marissa Merriman, US Army Corps of Engineers
2:15 pm 2:40 pm Adaptive Management of a Floodplain Restoration Project on the Sacramento River - John Stofleth, cbec, Inc
3:00 pm 4:00 pm Poster Session on Gather Town/Networking


Wednesday, March 2nd

Time Start Time End Event
8:30 am 9:45 am

Invited Speakers: Alex Peimer, Northeastern Illinois University and Barbara Heitkamp, Washington Conservation District (and former PRRSUM coordinator)

River restoration and science in the Upper Midwest: A survey of PRRSUM participants and past meetings

River restoration and science in the Upper Midwest

10:00 am 11:20 am Group Discussion: Mapping PRRSUM's path forward
11:20 am 11:30 am Awards Announcements and Adjourn