2025 UMSRS Overview

February 23 - February 26, 2025

Location: Hotel Julien, Dubuque, Iowa 

Why Attend?

The Upper Midwest Stream Restoration Symposium (UMSRS) presents a unique opportunity to bring together regional stream restoration practitioners so they may share experiences and expertise with colleagues working within similar environmental and land-use conditions.  Attendees from multi-disciplinary backgrounds will hear about innovative restoration designs and approaches as well as have the opportunity to network with the region’s leading stream restoration practitioners.

UMSRS looks to provide a collaborative environment which will allow an interdisciplinary approach to stream restoration and other related watershed sciences, hence a broad range of speakers and topics are actively encouraged. We seek session proposals and abstracts for both oral and poster presentations that address any topic areas related to stream restoration, including design and related analyses, alternatives analysis, implementation, and monitoring, as well as the planning, regulatory, and funding context under which stream restoration occurs. Selected presentations will be grouped into topical sessions.


The Symposium we will be held in Dubuque, Iowa. Organizers have worked hard to keep registration costs as low as possible.

Symposium Topics/Themes of Interest

The technical program of each UMSRS depends on the subject matter of invited speakers and submitted abstracts from our broader regional river restoration community. 

Topics of discussion at previous UMSRS include:

  • Stream Restoration Design and Monitoring

  • Regulation and Stream Restoration:  Where am I and what am I doing here?

  • Water Quality Management in Midwest Streams

  • Assessment and Monitoring of Stream Restoration Success

  • Managing Invasive Species in Midwest Rivers

  • Aesthetics in Stream Restoration

  • Partnerships and Collaborations in Stream Restoration: Building Trust

  • Stream Restoration Funding and Context

  • Rural Stream Restoration

  • Ecology and Stream Restoration

  • Stream Restoration and Agricultural Drainage

  • Lessons Learned:  Stream Restoration Failures (be a brave soul!)

  • Stream Restoration Education: Using Projects as Teaching Tools for the Public


Oral and Poster Presentations

UMSRS will have invited speakers and oral presentations delivered in topical sessions.  Oral presentations are 20 minutes in length and are given in a plenary format to an interdisciplinary audience.  Hence, the content should be interesting to a diverse audience and clearly focused to deliver two or three key points. 

The poster session for 2025 UMSRS will be delivered during an hour-long session in the main body of the symposium.  Poster presenters are expected to attend their posters to answer any questions from the attendees. Only posters that are reviewed through the abstract review process will be displayed at the conference, although some session conveners may request that an oral presentation abstract be made a poster if their oral session is full. 

If you have any questions or if you need further information please contact: Anna Sundgaard.